The Living Stone

We were created with a God given purpose to fulfill. The church is a place to grow and mature our gifts and talents. When you give of your time and resources, you are filled with joy that comes from being yielded to the Holy Spirit, the living water, that wells up within you!
Every year brings new opportunities. Some of the things we do are annual, such as the Backpack Dash and Bash, Summer's End Festival, and our Family Retreat.
Other activities we do, depends on how the Holy Spirit leads people to step up. Examples of that would be the Revive Live Stream for the ladies that we do occasionally and fellowship gathering that are in addition to our monthly Family Fellowship Meals.
Some area's of service are on a continual need such as greeters on Sunday Morning, Nursery workers, videographers, sound techs and many other jobs that make Sunday Morning happen.
If you are feeling the Spirit's leading to serve in an area or have an idea you would like to see happen, please send us and email and we will get you moving in the right direction!